January 24, 2025

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    VICTORIA from Bulgaria: we need to love ourselves and each other more.


    Last Thursday, VICTORIA managed to snatch up a place in Eurovision’s grand final. GayRotterdam spoke with her about what going through to the final means for her and about her connection with the LGBTQ+ community.


    Congratulations with your fantastic performance yesterday. How do you feel about your place in the finals?

    I am so grateful to everyone that voted for me yesterday! I want to thank each and every one of you! There is something so special about feeling the hearts and emotions of all these people all across Europe. I am happy to have been able to touch them with my song. Now I am looking forward to giving all I have at the Grand Final. I am so proud of my team and of everyone I worked with on my path to this stage. This feels amazing, really!


    How has your Eurovision journey been part of you growing up as an artist/person?

    Oh, it has played a big, big part that's for sure. My Eurovision journey started back in 2019, before ESC 2020 was cancelled. That was a big challenge for me, for my team. Putting so much effort, emotion, hard work and tears into something and then being told that you can't perform it at this biggest, much anticipated stage. It was really disappointing and discouraging. But it made me stronger. You have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep going. That's what you do, there's nothing else to do!  The whole preparation and artistic journey that this contest involves undoubtedly develops you as an artist, as a person. I am thankful for everything that has happened, since it got me here!


    When we are growing up a supportive environment is super important. How has your family (and especially your dad) supported you while growing up?

    My family has always been incredibly supportive for which I love them and thank them. They have always encouraged me in whatever it is that I wanted to accomplish. They strongly support my musical journey as well. My dad has been a shining light and my foundation all along. He is not someone who openly and easily shows his emotions but just knowing that he is there for me, watching me, wishing me luck, being proud of me - that has meant everything for me as a child, as a teenager, and especially now.


    You performed at Sofia Pride. What is your connection to the LGBT+ community?

    A lot of people around me are part of the LGBT+ community and they are amazing - strong and brave no matter the hate and negative energy they might be receiving. I am admiring how they react to the various pressures and challenges they are facing... Some of my closest friends are part of this community and I love them so much.

    What would your advice be young (queer) people that relate to your lyrics and feel like growing up is getting old?

    One of the main motifs of the song is to be yourself, no matter the challenges and problems you may be facing in life. The message is that it's absolutely okay to feel down and unhappy at times. My advice to everyone is to be themselves, do what makes them happy and not live in fear or shame of their own emotions. We need to love ourselves and each other more.

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    Last modified on Wednesday, 26 May 2021 15:05
    Chantal van der Putten

    Chantal van der Putten (1984) woont en werkt in Rotterdam Centrum. Ze is onderwijsmanager van de technische opleidingen bij de Rotterdam Academy. Dit is een onderdeel van Hogeschool Rotterdam. Chantal is afgestudeerd als onderwijskundige en neerlandica. Daarnaast is ze voorzitter van Student Pride NL. Deze stichting zet zich in voor een veilig klimaat op hogescholen, universiteiten en stageplaatsen ten aanzien van seksuele en genderdiversiteit, zodat alle studenten zich vrij kunnen voelen en zichzelf en de ander accepteren. Volg Chantal via Insta

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