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About us

By GayRotterdam March 05, 2020 5849

GayRotterdam - The Organization

Our site www.gayrotterdam.nl is a bit of a misnomer as we are a platform for ALL members of the LGBTI+ community in Rotterdam. The website is run by the organization GayRotterdam. We strive to be an independent source of informaton for and about the LGBTI+ community. Our online presence including our online community aims to cover everything that 'pink Rotterdam' has to offer. From addresses for aid and assistance in matters of health, safety and social issues to a list of gay-friendly hotspots to the latest developments in the city. 

GayRotterdam got its start with a grant from the Rotterdam city council with the goal of making Rotterdam a more inclusive and gay-friendly place. GayRotterdam wants to create more visibility for and acknowledgement of the LGBTI+ community. We work closely with all LGBTI+ organizations in Rotterdam and surrounding areas (including Schiedam, Capelle aan den IJssel, etc.).

Volunteer organisation

GayRotterdam is run exclusively by volunteers. Our enthusiastic editors, columnists, designers, photographers and social media experts are all passionate about Rotterdam and the LGBTI+ community. As a non-profit we depend completely on grants, donations and some ad revenue.

Our team

Our team fills us with pride and is comprised of the following lovely people:  

Supervisory board
Emile Klep (chairman) and Dagmar Boer.


Bjorn Ketzener (chairman), Talitha Nöllen and Pieter Ruijsch van Dugteren.

Jasper de Haan, Frank Franco, Anna Claire Baan, Vera Bos, Marije Hammel and Shireen Raza.

Guest contributors
Kees Vrijdag and Frans Heemskerk.

In addition to our main team and guest contributors, guest bloggers and columnists regularly add interesting and valuable content to our website.

Many photos are taken by our volunteers. Others are free stock photos and most of the images of Rotterdam and our hotspots are taken from Rotterdam Make It Happen.

More info?

Contact us if you have any suggestions, questions or comments!

Would you like to work together with us or advertise? Or are you excited to become a blogger, volunteer or guest contributor? Let us know!

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Last modified on Wednesday, 11 March 2020 17:57